"Mi testigo es el cielo vacío"

martes, 3 de enero de 2012

Living the Dream (Camp4Collective)

My Day "Living the Dream" from Camp 4 Collective on Vimeo.

"My quintessential day here in Boulder Colorado.

For most of the last 6 years I've been a traveling vagabond following my passion for rock climbing. This existence involved sleeping outside in wild places, hitching rides, having very little belongings, a drained bank account and some gourmet dumpster diving for food. I climbed everyday and lived my dream.

These days I'm a domesticated man. By most people's standards I'm still living in the ghetto with my 1988 beater car and trailer-like house. Each day I find time to escape to the nearby rock spires and bag a summit. Making this creative short I realized that I still live my dream everyday...! "

Living The Dream 2 from Camp 4 Collective on Vimeo.

"A standard day in the life of the recovery from a few broken vertebrae and a skull fracture. Even though I'm not technically cleared for psychical therapy yet, the time has finally come for some soul therapy."

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